Internal Audit On Stock Brokers
Nature of Audit:
- Review of Order and Risk Management system.
- Verification and review of Constituent Registration Documents.
- Verification of systems for Margins collection from clients.
- Verification/Review of Procedures and systems pertaining to dispatch of contract
notes/Margin Statement/Statement of accounts.
- Verification of systems and procedures in place for receipt/payments of funds/securities
from/to clients.
- Review of operations at branch and subbroker location.
- Verification of internal controls of Terminal Operations at members office.
- Review of documentation and implementation of Provisions pertaining to Anti Money
Laundering (AML) Compliance.
- Review/Verification of Systems in place to prevent and monitor code changes.
- Verification and review of Investor Handling Mechanism etc.
- Review of clearing activities in case of Professional Clearing member/ Members clearing trades
of other trading members.
Our Approach:
- Segregation of data based on sampling criteria issued by SEBI
- Analysis of the data
- Thorough verification of the segregated data
- Detecting any irregularity
- Providing remedial measures in case any irregularity is observed